Sunday, August 19, 2012


The story follows three pigs sent out into the world by their mother. Each of them builds a house to protect them from the hardships of the world, but along comes a big bad wolf. One by one, the wolf blows each house down until he comes to the last pig's house, which was built on a strong foundation of brick. The wolf is unable to even scuff the brick house and attempts to sneak in through the chimney. The pigs are ready for his entrance, placing a pot of boiling water in the fireplace. When the wolf leaps into the chimney, he lands in the pot and the pigs make a stew out of him.

I chose this Fairy Tale because as all of them,  it lets a moral lesson for life. In this case, the third pig who made a big effort and did not play for a long time like the others and he build the house made of bricks so, the wolf could not overthrow it. In real life, if you make a big effort, you will make your dreams come true, but just with discipline and perseverance.

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