Sunday, November 18, 2012

Friday, November 2, 2012


Once upon a time there was a boy named Jack. But Jack had bad luck, he thought, all the time:

-Why am I so unlucky? Nothing works as I’d like!
- I'm ugly, and I feel lonely.

One day, Jack was walking in the forest, when he found something, he surprised himself.

It was a pot of full of golden coins, and he thought: What a lucky day! This is awesome! Then, his face changed immediately, and he was smiling at that nice pot.

But suddenly, a dwarf appeared in front of him, and he says: 

- Hello, my dear Jack, I'm the owner of this treasure you have found. I can give it to you, just if you do what I'm going to tell you.

He told Jack: - You must change your attitude to the life. If you don't change your thoughts, you'll never have what you want.
That's the secret to be successful in life, you must be self confident and you'll be happy.

-Just smile, Jack!

Jack promised the dwarf, he would change his own attitude to life.
But at first, it was a little bit difficult for him. He changed her face all the time, but not his attitude.

He was like this:

During many days, he was in that mood, complaining about everything and thinking about that awesome treasure he wanted to have.

But then, he realized the true treasures. Treasures that you, me and all of us have.

1. we are alive!

2. We can enjoy the nature and see its little and beautiful things


3. We have a family, it doesn't matter if it is composed by you and your mom, your father, an uncle, or your grandparents. They will always be with you.

4. We can dream and make our dreams come true.

For those reasons and many more, Jack changed his attitude to life, and realized that the treasure was not so important for him as were those beautiful things he had. Because little things give you the biggest happiness and it is funnier enjoy them.

From that day, Jack was happy thinking about what he had, he started and finished every day with a smile and giving thanks to God for everything.


 This is an excellent tool in order to discover your magic personality. Please, take the quiz and discover it!

This was my result:

Saturday, October 20, 2012


This is a brochure about a love letter. I hope you enjoy it with its awesome pictures.

Saturday, October 6, 2012


This is the story about Sam and his pet, Toby and how they found each other, one more time. It is written for children but I hope teenagers, and adults enjoy it, too. My loyal friend on Storybird

Monday, October 1, 2012


We know the traditional story about Snow White, but what happens when it is more realistic and the characters show their deeper feelings? 
This video shows more about this point, and how the evil and love can fight until love is the winner.


BEAUTY - Snow White has it, not only outside but also inside her, she is kind, lovely and other things that make her beautiful.

EVILNESS - it is represented by the evil queen, who wants to kill Snow White just for being with the prince and also keep her own beauty.

LOVE - involves the Prince and Snow White, who until the end fight for it

KINDNESS - the huntsman who helps and saves Snow White risking his own life.


Name: Tatiana Alexandra Contreras Alvarado
Date: 28th september /2012

1. Please write a brief summary of the literature book that you read in your group.

We know the traditional Snow White's story but Snow White and the huntsman is another different story.

 When her father the king is murdered by his new wife, Queen Ravenna (Charlize Theron), Snow White (Kristen Stewart) is imprisoned, until the day she comes of age, when the evil queen will devour her heart in order to keep her immortality. Snow escapes, only to be hunted down by The Huntsman (Chris Hemsworth)- who's been forced into the Queen's service. Luckily for Snow, he has a change of heart, and, along with a group of eight dwarfs (rather than the traditional seven) and her childhood crush, William (Sam Claflin), they set off to destroy the kqueen and bring peace to the kingdom.

2.  Name some of the hardships  that the characters in your story faced

  • Snow White has to escape from the evil queen when she wanted to kill Snow White for keep her inmortality.
  • Huntsman has to save Snow White from the evil queen 
3. Tell how the main character is both similar and different than you.

I'm similar than Snow White because I'm brave when I need to rescue myself in difficult situations and I take risks in life. Despite of this, we are similar because Snow White and me are unlucky sometimes and the things do not work as we want to.

Friday, September 14, 2012






Once upon a time…

1. A poor woodcutter and his wife had two children named Hansel and Gretel.

2. Their mother died when they were young. Hansel and Gretel were very sad.
Soon their father remarried but their stepmother was very cruel. One day, she took the children deep into the forest and left them there.

3. Clever Hansel had some breadcrumbs in his pocket and had dropped them on the way so that they could find their way back home.
The birds ate all the crumbs and they couldn’t find the path that led back home.

4. Both of them ate the house, because they were so hungry.
Now, a wicked witch lived there. When she saw Hansel and Gretel, she wanted to eat them. 

5. The witch decided to make a soup out of Hansel and eat him first.

6. She grabbed the chil­dren and locked them in a cage. The witch decided to make a soup out of Hansel and eat him first.

7. The witch began boiling a huge pot of water for the soup. Just then, Gretel crept out of her cage. She gave the wicked witch a mighty push from behind and the witch fell into the boiling water. She howled in pain and died instantly.

8.  Hansel and Gretel found treasure lying around the cottage. They carried it home with them. 

Their stepmother had died and their father wel­comed them back with tears of joy. They never went hungry again!


Main Characters
Hansel and Gretel
The witch
Second Characters
The birds


The Forest
The candy house
At the beginning the story is developed in the forest when Hansel and Gretel are lost, then the rest of the story is developed in the candy house.


The lesson of this story is do not talk to or take anything from a stranger and do not go into a stranger's house because it could be dangerous and you can risk yourself too much.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Literature influences our lives since we were children. Children literature is not the exception, as we saw with Folk and Fairy Tales, those stories give us moral lessons in order to form people with different values. 

Also, literature helps people to develop their language skills, for example reading can give you new vocabulary for expressing yourself, and having strong arguments when you are talking. It develops our minds. 

Another important aspect, the imagination is developed. You can visit different places, meet new people, and even create different ends for the stories you read. All these benefits can give you the literature, that is what literature is motivating.

As teachers, we must include literature  by reading for teaching grammar, it is a funny language teaching methodoly   and the students will learn grammar rules directly from their use and there is another great point, you express yourself taking into account what you have read, and what you have heard. The more you read, the merrier you communicate your ideas.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Critical thinkers tend to:

1. Search for reasons

It is not just complaining about the troubles, they find the reasons for what those things happened and the ways for solving them. They are not satisfied with what they see, they always look for more.

2. Use credible sources

Critical Thinkers find real sources for supporting their ideas (authors, knowledge authority), in order to have a better domain of the information for creating them.

3. Exhibit sensitivity to others' feeling and depth of knowledge

People who have "Critical Thinking" cooperate with the community all the time, they do not think just in an individual way, they think for helping other people.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I would like to share an abstract 

Multicultural education is an approach to teaching and learning that is based on democratic values that affirm cultural pluralism within culturally diverse societies in an interdependent world. There are currently two viewpoints or perspectives of multicultural education in the United States, namely the assimilation or “melting-pot” perspective and the pluralism or “global” perspective. The assimilation perspective of multicultural education is that microcultures must give up their original culture and identities in order to blend in or become absorbed into the predominant Anglo-Western European culture. The global perspective is that microcultures can retain many of their traditions such as language, religion, and social customs while adopting many of the aspects of the predominant Anglo-Western culture. The global perspective
of multicultural education recognizes cultural pluralism as an ideal and healthy state in any productive society and promotes equity and respect among the existing cultural groups. This principle allows the global perspective of multicultural education to extend beyond equity pedagogy as the only way to counteract problems that have been created by the assimilation perspective. With the rapidly increasing interconnections among all nations, particularly now, as we face global issues related to the ecosystem, nuclear weapons, terrorism, human rights, and scarce national resources, institutions of higher education need to embrace the global perspective of multicultural education if we are going to remain models of democratic societies in a pluralistic world and stay academically competitive in relation to the rest of the world. The purpose
of this article is to explain the global perspective of multicultural education and how institutions of higher education can use it to remain models of academic excellence in pluralistic and democratic societies.


Gloria M. Ameny-Dixon

Taken from:,%20Gloria%20M.%20Why%20Multicultural%20Education%20is%20More%20Important%20in%20Higher%20Education%20Now%20than%20Ever.pdf

Sunday, August 19, 2012


The story follows three pigs sent out into the world by their mother. Each of them builds a house to protect them from the hardships of the world, but along comes a big bad wolf. One by one, the wolf blows each house down until he comes to the last pig's house, which was built on a strong foundation of brick. The wolf is unable to even scuff the brick house and attempts to sneak in through the chimney. The pigs are ready for his entrance, placing a pot of boiling water in the fireplace. When the wolf leaps into the chimney, he lands in the pot and the pigs make a stew out of him.

I chose this Fairy Tale because as all of them,  it lets a moral lesson for life. In this case, the third pig who made a big effort and did not play for a long time like the others and he build the house made of bricks so, the wolf could not overthrow it. In real life, if you make a big effort, you will make your dreams come true, but just with discipline and perseverance.

Friday, August 10, 2012


I always run, but never walk.
I have a bed, but I don't sleep.
I have a mouth, but I don't eat.

You hear my sound, 
You feel me when I move,
But see me you never will.

The more I dry, 
The wetter I get

What has to be broken before you can use it?