Monday, October 1, 2012


We know the traditional story about Snow White, but what happens when it is more realistic and the characters show their deeper feelings? 
This video shows more about this point, and how the evil and love can fight until love is the winner.


BEAUTY - Snow White has it, not only outside but also inside her, she is kind, lovely and other things that make her beautiful.

EVILNESS - it is represented by the evil queen, who wants to kill Snow White just for being with the prince and also keep her own beauty.

LOVE - involves the Prince and Snow White, who until the end fight for it

KINDNESS - the huntsman who helps and saves Snow White risking his own life.


  1. I think that your blog is very successful in the concepts that offer the story of Snow White but if you include color graphics or more children could be more motivating for children, remember that they are bored with dark colors or simple images. We as teachers have involve the interest of our students. weel done!, I like this dinamic activity!
    Thank you to attention!
    The bent given by education will determine all that follows.
    -Socrates, The Republic, Book IV .
    Cordially ,Julia.

  2. I can see that you have worked successfully in your blog, because you have transformed Spañish texts in English texts and this is the idea of bilingualism, involving two cultures simultaneously with their beliefs and behaviours in two different languages.

    Now you are ready for tell English tales to your babes for becoming bilingual since the childhood.
